首页 > 玄幻小说 > EXO之混混女配男主莫拽 > 【1】

【1】(第1/2 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 长生仙途:我有人物面板火影:开局魔改八门遁甲穿越新还珠之和宁公主团宠日常凹凸世界之我是金的哥哥人在港综,我只想搞钱!虫族加点:妖魔只配当饲料在米花签到的悠闲日子开局满级龙神功,执掌大明火影:我!战国时代的冰帝多子多福美女如云修仙世界重生九次,我就想回家!带着猴哥游异界漫威:来和老爹学魔法?天元天玄唯我独尊转生骑士的我被兽人强迫我有个死要钱的系统罪灵谋领主:人在异界当男爵五色灵石蕴真灵!入赘长公主,我靠签到成就无敌路

!--章节内容开始--“visible,ph through the fog

l have to fd y way ,yeah

a glow of light a spark of hope

if you i, you’ll fd

you’re reachg for all thgs to follow your dreas

and nothg will stand your way

you’re not far, you’re close, srand up for yoelf

it’swritten the sky

jt spresd your gs reach for your dreas

there’ no ounta that’s hard to ove

take a chance and try, you would never know

you’re a hero ,you can fly


you’re hero ,you can fly


you can fly

unthkable ,best is toe

the lights is shg bright now

no lookg back, keep pressg up

cae your gs are ade to fly

you’re reachg for all thgs to follow your dreas

and nothg will stand your way

you’re not far, you’re close, srand up for yoelf

it’swritten the sky

jt spresd your gs reach for your dreas

there’ no ounta th




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